1st Time Students

Are you a 1st Time Student looking to attend a 10-Day Vipassana meditation retreat?

If so, here is some info for you that may help you on your 1st 10-day retreat. The www.dhamma.org already has some great info for you to prepare for the 10 day course but here are some additional tips, tricks, and reminders. With this info we hope to lower your expectations so you can fully immerse yourself and receive what is designed to offer a new student. We cannot stress enough that your surrender to all the codes of conduct will be a crucial part of your experience of the course. Please use our guide as what it is meant to be – a guide. It is written with the intention to provide support, yet everyone is different and has different needs, so take from it what will serve you. Whatever you do, we hope you make the most of your 10-day course and remember the center runs on loving kindess and if you need support don’t be shy to ask because everyone there is serving in your best interest.

Prep Guide Link

The Art of Living – Recommended book to read before your 1st 10-Day retreat

Anapana Meditation Instructions

Stories from Old Students